Cultural Navigation Journey

SportWest as the peak body for sport in WA aims to guide and support our members on delivering quality experiences in sport, now and into the future. One of these crucial foundations to safe, welcoming and inclusive sport is creating culturally aware and appropriate environments for all Western Australians, with a particular focus on our First Nations people.

 As the first step in SportWest embarking on our cultural journey of learning and growth, Thursday 5 September 2024 will be a milestone date, with the announcement of our inaugural Cultural Navigation Lead in Sharon Wood-Kenney.

Sharon comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience in supporting WA communities to navigate cultural understanding, and SportWest will benefit greatly from her steady and experienced hands guiding us forwards.

To read the full press release click here.

We are also proud to launch the Cultural Navigation Advisory Group, click here to read the expression of interest information. This Advisory Group will create a direct link from the peak body to industry members, and ensure SportWest remains by the industry for the industry in driving sustainable change in cultural inclusion in WA sport.

Click Here to Apply

For more information or general enquiries on SportWest’s cultural navigation journey, please contact Caitlin Spencer on