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ASF survey on COVID-19 impact

The Australian Sports Foundation has released its latest national survey on the impact COVID-19 has had on community sport and Clubs.

A similar survey was conducted last year and this year’s survey has shown concerns in three key areas: devastating financial instability, declining participation and declining volunteering.

Other key findings were:

  • $18,500 average lost revenue per club;
  • 42 per cent of Clubs cannot source enough volunteers to support club operations;
  • 60 per cent of Clubs concerned about decline in participation and memberships; and
  • One in 10 fear organisational insolvency.

SportWest Chief Executive Officer Matt Fulton said it was important to view the survey through a WA lens.

“WA community sport has not been affected in the same way as it has in the eastern states since the early parts of 2020,” Mr Fulton said.

“We have experienced a few short, sharp lockdowns however, these in no way compare to what community sport in New South Wales and Victoria have and are experiencing.

“For those Australians to be locked down is tough but then not being able to access their sporting clubs and the support network they provide is making life even tougher. We know that playing sport comes with significant positive outcomes for mental health and wellbeing so the lockdowns preventing sport in those states is a big concern for those communities.”

Mr Fulton said SportWest’s current project on the return of social investment for sport would develop an understanding of the economic and social benefits of participating in organised sport.

“We will be able to pinpoint the economic, employment, physical and mental health, social and personal wellbeing benefits of sport, providing further understanding of the impact of lockdowns such as those being experienced in New South Wales and Victoria at present,” he said.

“Those involved in sport know that our community clubs are the lifeblood of our society and to finally have the data to clearly illustrate this point is extremely timely.”

Download the full Australian Sports Foundation report at https://covid.sportsfoundation.org.au/ 

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