Keeping children and young people safe during their time in sport is paramount. In the lead up to Children’s Week, SportWest convened a Child Safeguarding in Sport Forum on the 18th of October. Over 100 people from across government and industry came together to discuss the latest information and requirements around safety in sport. Children’s Week runs from 22 – 30 October 2022 and is an opportunity for the sector to increase conversations about the importance of keeping children and young people safe in sport across WA.
The forum provided the opportunity for the industry to hear from a range of speakers and participate in a panel discussion featuring some members of the SportWest Child Safeguarding in Sport Advisory Group including:
- The Commissioner for Children and Young People WA
- WA Police – Child Abuse Squad;
- Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries:
- Working with Children Screening Unit:
- eSafety Commissioner;
- Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse team – Department of Communities;
- Specialist Child Protection Unit – Department of Communities
We thank our speakers for their contribution and expertise, and look forward to continued collaboration.