Dear Members,
I am writing to inform you that this afternoon it has been announced that our current CEO, Matt Fulton, will be joining WAIS as Acting CEO on an interim basis from 1st November whilst the WAIS Board recruit for a permanent CEO following Steve Lawrence’s recent departure.
I’m pleased to announce, that whilst Matt is at WAIS, Ashleigh Apps, our current Chief Operating Officer will be Acting SportWest CEO. Ashleigh is an experienced leader and passionate about the outcomes that SportWest is striving to achieve for the sporting industry of Western Australia.
Whilst I have the opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to the industry at the way you have all embraced the recent launch of True Sport. True Sport is a significant platform for the support SportWest will provide the sector moving forward and I’ve been incredibly encouraged by the way the industry has supported and promoted it over the last couple of weeks.
Outside of True Sport, SportWest will shortly embark on the development of a new strategic plan to ensure that we provide contemporary support to the sector in ways that you need it.
Finally, as many of you will be aware, the coming SportWest AGM will be my last as Chair. The Board has been working hard over recent months to identify a new Chair for the organisation, and I look forward to sharing these details with you at our AGM which will be held on Monday 27th November 2023.
In the meantime, please join me in congratulating Ashleigh Apps on her appointment as Acting CEO, I have every faith that Ashleigh will continue to support the industry in Matt’s absence.
Kind Regards,
Michael Beros
Chair – SportWest